
ActionMultiParts completes parts of an argument separately (e.g. user:group from chown). For this the Context.Value is split with given divider and then updated to only contain the currently completed part. Context.Parts contains the preceding parts and can be used in a switch statement to return the corresponding Action.

An empty divider splits per character, but be aware that fish will add space suffix for anything other than /=@:.,.

carapace.ActionMultiParts(":", func(c carapace.Context) carapace.Action {
	switch len(c.Parts) {
	case 0:
		return carapace.ActionValues("userA", "UserB").Invoke(c).Suffix(":").ToA()
	case 1:
		return carapace.ActionValues("groupA", "groupB")
		return carapace.ActionValues()
  • Values must not contain the separator as a simple strings.Split() is used to separate the parts.
  • It is however allowed as suffix to enable fluent tab completion (like / for a directory).
  • The divider is implicitly added to NoSpace
  • If no suffix is added NoSpace can be used in the preceding parts to prevent a space suffix.


ActionMultiParts can be nested as well, e.g. completing multiple KEY=VALUE pairs separated by ,.

carapace.ActionMultiParts(",", func(cEntries carapace.Context) carapace.Action {
	return carapace.ActionMultiParts("=", func(c carapace.Context) carapace.Action {
		switch len(c.Parts) {
		case 0:
			keys := make([]string, len(cEntries.Parts))
			for index, entry := range cEntries.Parts {
				keys[index] = strings.Split(entry, "=")[0]
			return carapace.ActionValues("FILE", "DIRECTORY", "VALUE").Filter(keys...).Suffix("=")
		case 1:
			switch c.Parts[0] {
			case "FILE":
				return carapace.ActionFiles("").NoSpace()
			case "DIRECTORY":
				return carapace.ActionDirectories().NoSpace()
			case "VALUE":
				return carapace.ActionValues("one", "two", "three").NoSpace()
				return carapace.ActionValues()

			return carapace.ActionValues()