
Transformations can be applied to files and specific values.

This is only supported in elvish, nushell, powershell, xonsh and zsh.


Files can be styled with the LS_COLORS environment variable (e.g. using vivid):

# elvish
set-env LS_COLORS (vivid generate dracula)

# powershell
$env:LS_COLORS = (vivid generate dracula)

# zsh
export LS_COLORS=$(vivid generate dracula)


Values can be styled with a comma separated list of transformations:

# set
carapace --style 'carapace.Value=bold,magenta'

# clear
carapace --style 'carapace.Description='

Generic configuration like default value and description style can be found under carapace.{key}


How the default colors look depends on your terminal color scheme.

It is recommended to choose one with a high contrast so that every color is well readable.


Transformations are adopted from elvish:

Each $style-transformer can be one of the following:

  • A boolean attribute name:
    • One of bold, dim, italic, underlined, blink and inverse for setting the corresponding attribute.
    • An attribute name prefixed by no- for unsetting the attribute.
    • An attribute name prefixed by toggle- for toggling the attribute between set and unset.
  • A color name for setting the text color, which may be one of the following:
    • One of the 8 basic ANSI colors: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan and white.
    • The bright variant of the 8 basic ANSI colors, with a bright- prefix.
    • Any color from the xterm 256-color palette, as colorX (such as color12).
    • A 24-bit RGB color written as #RRGGBB (such as '#778899'). Note: You need to quote such values, since an unquoted # introduces a comment (e.g. use 'bg-#778899' instead of bg-#778899).
  • A color name prefixed by fg- to set the foreground color. This has the same effect as specifying the color name without the fg- prefix.
  • A color name prefixed by bg- to set the background color.