v0.21 - Heart Transplant

Replaced command traversal with a full rewrite. This provides more fine-grained control and improved logging. It is a complex core component though and while tests are looking good so far some edge cases are likely to fail.


Improved logging output (export CARAPACE_LOG=1):

// /tmp/carapace/carapace.log
2023/01/29 11:46:28.310133 elvish []string{"/home/rsteube/go/bin/carapace", "_carapace", "elvish", "git", "-C", "../carapace-bin/", "log", "--author", ""}
2023/01/29 11:46:28.310165 elvish traverse called for "git" with args []string{"-C", "../carapace-bin/", "log", "--author", ""}
2023/01/29 11:46:28.310167 elvish executing PreRun for "git" with args []string{"-C", "../carapace-bin/", "log", "--author", ""}
2023/01/29 11:46:28.310185 elvish arg "-C" is a flag
2023/01/29 11:46:28.310207 elvish arg "../carapace-bin/" is a flag argument
2023/01/29 11:46:28.310210 elvish arg "log" is a subcommand
2023/01/29 11:46:28.310211 elvish parsing flags for "git" with args []string{"-C", "../carapace-bin/"}
2023/01/29 11:46:28.310215 elvish traverse called for "log" with args []string{"--author", ""}
2023/01/29 11:46:28.310247 elvish arg "--author" is a flag
2023/01/29 11:46:28.310259 elvish removing arg "--author" since it is a flag missing its argument
2023/01/29 11:46:28.310260 elvish parsing flags for "log" with args []string{}
2023/01/29 11:46:28.310262 elvish completing flag argument of "author" for arg ""


Added bridge for yargs:

name: ng
description: CLI tool for Angular
  positionalany: ["$_bridge.Yargs(ng)"]