v0.14 - In A Nutshell


https://github.com/nushell/nushell/pull/6295 adds support for external completers to nushell. For this config.nu must be updated manually according to the snippet output of carapace. Here's an example with carapace as default completer and a couple custom completers:

let external_completer = {|spans| 
    $spans.0: { carapace $spans.0 nushell $spans | from json } # default                                                             
    example: { example _carapace nushell $spans | from json }                                                                 
    pkill: { carapace --spec '/home/rsteube/.config/carapace/specs/pkill.yaml' nushell $spans | from json }  
    vault: { carapace --bridge vault/posener nushell $spans | from json }
  } | get $spans.0 | each {|it| do $it}

let-env config = {
  external_completer: $external_completer