Coupled Actions

Use coupled actions to avoid repetition.

Sometimes an Action depends on the same flag values for multiple subcommands. Since ActionCallback is needed to access these the code can become a bit cumbersome and bloated.

	carapace.ActionCallback(func(c carapace.Context) carapace.Action {
		return helm.ActionReleases(helm.ReleasesOpts{
			Namespace:   rootCmd.Flag("namespace").Value.String(),
			KubeContext: rootCmd.Flag("kube-context").Value.String(),

An alternative to this is creating a local Action that is coupled to the command. Meaning, passing it the command and expecting specific flags to be present.

// completers/helm_completer/cmd/action/release.go
func ActionReleases(cmd *cobra.Command) carapace.Action {
	return carapace.ActionCallback(func(c carapace.Context) carapace.Action {
		return helm.ActionReleases(helm.ReleasesOpts{
			Namespace:   cmd.Root().Flag("namespace").Value.String(),
			KubeContext: cmd.Root().Flag("kube-context").Value.String(),

Thus the call becomes quite compact.
